I'm on the Contributors Page!

It's my first ever appearance on a contributors page, in the May/June issue of Diabetic Living magazine! : )

As you may have guessed, I added the hearts, just to look extra special. Here's a close-up of what I wrote for my blurb...

It only took me about 5 minutes to write. You may be able to tell. ; ) Oh, and if you want to check out the email I wrote to the mag to score this writing gig in the first place, here it is.

It really is a dream come true to be on a contributors page. I grew up reading this page first whenever I bought a magazine, hoping to glean insights into becoming a writer and working for the (ahem) glamorous world of glossies.

Do you ever read the contributors page (please say yes!)? Which page of your favourite mag do you flick to first?


  1. Congratulations! That looks great.

  2. So proud of you!
    And yes, I do read contributor pages.

  3. Haha, thanks Optimistic Mom. I'm glad someone does!

    Thanks guys, I was so ecstatic I showed the lady at the news agency like a dag! : )




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