Crazy-Busy Week!

Here's another snapshot of the zine called Magazine Love I'm creating (view the first sneak peek here). I'll be beavering away on it in between my five separate jobs I'll be working this week -- yes that's right, FIVE!

Apart from the office temp job I've been doing the past two months on Thursdays and Fridays, I'll be a typist at a private boys' school on Monday and Tuesday, be taking minutes for an annual general meeting Tuesday night, writing an article for a health magazine and completing my first copywriting job. Phew! Oh, and did I mention I have either a dancing class, a party or other social engagement every night this week? Yikes. I'm really not that much of a social butterfly. I'm may have to mainline caffeine to survive.

As for my zine, I'm trying to create my fantasy booklet of everything magazine devotees like me will enjoy -- a quiz, recommendations for the best glossies you might not already read, movies about magazines and much, much more. I'd love to hear your suggestions -- you never know, they might just make it into the finished product. Actually, there's a really good chance they will. So suggest away!

I'll keep you posted on my hectic week. In between shots of espresso.



  1. YAY!!! sounds hectic, chaotic!! but you are able to get those amazing creative writing juices out!!! way to go!!

    Perhaps some of the best spa get-aways across the USA... for your zine. Can't wait for the reveal!!! Happy Sunday..xo HHL

  2. it all looks great! Can't wait to see it!

  3. Thanks guys, I'm really excited about it. : )

    I really like the spa getaways idea, High Heeled. I'm thinking a map of the US with arrows to a few different spa locations... I'll be sure to give you credit in the zine for the idea as well. Have you been to any good spa locations you can recommend?



  4. Hi Becks, I stumbled across this site - I don't know how but I am lovin' it! I am a Canadian who lived in NZ for 8 years and have just relocated to NYC. I one day want to be a writer, but have much more experience with PR and Comms. Ayways, looking forward to seeing your zine.

  5. Hi Ghada,

    Glad you stumbled here! I'm now following your blog -- love the pic of the Manhattan snow. We don't get snow here in Adelaide (well, maybe in the hills very rarely, and it would only be a smidgen). It looks so Christmas-y!

    Good luck with your pregnancy -- lighting yourself on fire looked very painful!




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